Iran: Solidarity with Pakhshan Azizi, in imminent Risk of Execution

Death Sentence Upheld Despite Torture, Evidence of Innocence of Charges

January 9, 2025 — The first woman political prisoner in 14 years in Iran is facing imminent execution, after a blatantly unfair appeal process that upheld her death sentence. If carried out, this will mark a grave escalation in the Islamic Republic’s unlawful use of the death penalty against its political opponents—and against women—and it should be met with an international outcry, the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) said today.

Iran’s Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for Pakhshan Azizi, a 40-year-old Kurdish humanitarian worker and civil society advocate, following a prosecution riddled with coerced confessions, inadequate legal representation, severe due process violations, and court proceedings that ignored evidence of torture and evidence vindicating her of the alleged crimes.

“This is a shocking miscarriage of justice,” said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of CHRI. “The Iranian judiciary has blatantly ignored evidence submitted to the court that Pakhshan Azizi’s work in refugee camps was purely humanitarian and not linked to any political or armed activity.”

“This death sentence is yet another example of the Islamic Republic’s unlawful use of capital punishment to silence activists, especially members of minority communities, and to terrorize Iran’s women into submission,” Ghaemi said. “The world must urgently speak out before this woman is killed.”

CHRI calls on the UN, Member States, and human rights organizations worldwide to demand that the Iranian authorities immediately:

  • Annul Pakhshan Azizi’s death sentence;
  • Immediately halt all pending executions;
  • Institute a moratorium on death sentences, given Iran’s egregious record of due process violations and other abuses of international law governing capital punishment.

Lawyer: “The Supreme Court ignored the flaws in the investigation and paid no attention to evidence” 

According to Azizi’s lawyer, Amir Raesian, the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence issued by Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran, rejecting an appeal that pointed out numerous investigative flaws and a lack of credible evidence.

“Following the death sentence issued by Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran against Ms. Azizi, we filed an appeal. The appeal was heard by Branch 39 of the Supreme Court, and unfortunately, despite numerous objections to the case, the appeal was rejected and the death sentence was confirmed,” Raesian told Shargh newspaper on January 8.

“[The Supreme Court] ignored the flaws in the investigation and paid no attention to evidence that showed Ms. Azizi’s case does not merit the death sentence, and that her activities in refugee camps in northern Syria and other locations for people displaced by the war with ISIS, were peaceful activities that had no political dimensions and centered around providing aid to victims of ISIS attacks,” he added.

Violently Arrested, Tortured to Extract False “Confessions”

Azizi, who was born in Mahabad, northwestern Iran, and has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran, was violently arrested at her home in Tehran on August 4, 2023, by state security forces who threw her to the ground, hands tied behind her back, and held a gun to her head, according to her account. Her family members were also detained and later sentenced to one year in prison each for “assisting a criminal to escape trial and conviction.”

During her detention, Ms. Azizi was denied legal counsel, subjected to severe psychological and physical torture, including five months of solitary confinement and prolonged interrogation sessions designed to extract false confessions—a routine tactic used by the Islamic Republic to convict peaceful activists of bogus national security crimes.

In a letter published in July 2024, Azizi detailed the torture she was subjected to during her detention, including being subjected to mock executions.

“During interrogations, they hanged me multiple times, buried me 10 meters underground, then pulled me back up, only to label me as a broken and defeated individual…For the central authority, we [the Kurdish minority in Iran] are small, we don’t count, but for their decrees, we are the heaviest and greatest.

“Humiliation and threats filled the air in the worst physical and mental conditions resulting from prolonged hunger strikes and five months of solitary confinement (the most dreadful white torture) … The same cell where [I] had been held in 2009 for the same charges of ‘being Kurdish’ and ‘being a woman.’”

On July 23, 2024, Azizi was sentenced to death on the sham charge of “armed rebellion against the state” by Branch 26 of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Court and sentenced to four years in prison for alleged membership in the Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK), an accusation which she and her lawyers have denied.

Ms. Azizi’s case stems from her humanitarian efforts in refugee camps in northern Syria and Iraq, where she provided aid to people displaced by the war with ISIS. Azizi’s lawyer had posted multiple letters from international civil society organizations active in the affairs of refugees in Syria’s Kurdish region that confirmed her work with them as a relief and social worker was non-political and focused solely on aiding victims of conflict.

Despite this, she was accused of “rebellion” under Article 287 of Iran’s Islamic Penal Code.

Originally, she had been charged under Article 288, which does not include the punishment of death, but Judge Iman Afshari declared he was sentencing her in accordance with Article 287, underscoring the arbitrary and political motives driving her case.

“In Ms. Azizi’s case, the evidence presented against her was so unfounded that a careful examination would have cleared her of the rebellion charge. But unfortunately, no attention has been paid to it so far. Furthermore, despite the fact that innocence does not need to be proven, we presented credible evidence for it to the Supreme Court,” Raesian added.

Azizi was previously arrested in November 2009 during a gathering by students at Tehran University, protesting against politically motivated executions in Kurdistan, including the execution of 28-year-old Kurdish political prisoner Ehsan Fattahian.

In September 2024, CHRI, along with 25 other human rights organizations, issued a joint statement calling for the immediate revocation of her death sentence and her release.

Huge Surge in Executions, Increasingly Used Against Political Prisoners and Women 

The death sentence against Pakhshan Azizi, which takes place amidst a huge surge in executions in Iran (at least 901 people were reportedly executed in Iran in 2024), reflects two alarming trends in the Islamic Republic—protesters, activists, dissidents and other critics of the state are increasingly being executed after sham trials (a shocking 54 political prisoners in Iran are currently on death row), and women are now increasingly being executed.

Moreover, the severe violations of due process and other judicial abuses that took place throughout Azizi’s prosecution are routine in Iran; the denial of access to independent counsel (and, not infrequently, any counsel), the use of torture to extract false “confessions,” the court’s refusal to address allegations of torture or to consider evidence presented by the defense, and the reliance on these “confessions” to convict, are routine in Islamic Republic courts—including in capital cases where people’s lives are at stake.

In addition, Azizi’s Kurdish ethnic identity reflects the fact that the Islamic Republic continues to disproportionally apply the death penalty to members of Iran’s minority communities, especially the Kurdish and Baluchi communities.

“The international community must not remain silent as the Islamic Republic seeks to execute Pakhshan Azizi. Iranian authorities are weaponizing the judicial system as a tool of repression, and this gross violation of due process sends a stark warning to every human rights defender and humanitarian worker in the country that their fate could be the gallows,” Ghaemi said.

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Ηράκλειο : Πανό αλληλεγγύης στα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα Π.Ρούπα και Ν.Μαζιώτη στην πρόσοψη της Κατάληψης Ευαγγελισμού

Κάθε εξεγερμένη καρδιά και ένας επαναστατικός αγώνας
Την Πέμπτη 16/01, στο πλαίσιο της διεθνούς εβδομάδας δράσης, αναρτήσαμε πανό στην πρόσοψη του Ευαγγελισμού, ως σινιάλο αλληλεγγύης στα συντρόφια και καταδικασμένα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα Πόλα Ρούπα και Νίκο Μαζιώτη.

Η συντρόφισσα Πόλα Ρούπα αποφυλακίστηκε πέρυσι με περιοριστικούς όρους μέχρι το 2032. Ένα μήνα μετά, ο αντιεισαγγελέας εφετών Χαλκίδας άσκησε έφεση στην απόφαση, προσπαθώντας να την κλείσει ξανά στην φυλακή. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου του 2024, πέρασε από δικαστικό συμβούλιο στη Χαλκίδα και η απόφαση εκκρεμούσε μέχρι και φέτος. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025, ακριβώς ένα χρόνο μετά, με νέα κλήτευση και με νέα θετική εισαγγελική πρόταση για την αποφυλάκιση της, η συντρόφισσα βρέθηκε εκ νέου ενώπιον του δικαστικού συμβουλίου στην Χαλκίδα. Η οριστική απόφαση θα ληφθεί το αμέσως επόμενο διάστημα.

Ενημέρωση από τη συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης στο δικαστήριο της Χαλκίδας:

(Παραθέτουμε μέρος του κειμένου της Συνέλευσης Αλληλεγγύης για τα καταδικασμένα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα)

Μετά από 16 χρόνια (μικτά) στη φυλακή για τη δράση της οργάνωσης Επαναστατικός Αγώνας και με τη συμπλήρωση των 4/5 πραγματικής έκτισης της 20ετούς ποινής τον προηγούμενο μήνα, ο σύντροφος Νίκος Μαζιώτης θα περάσει το επόμενο χρονικό διάστημα από το δικαστικό συμβούλιο (στη Λαμία), καθώς κατέθεσε αίτηση αποφυλάκισης στις 25 Νοέμβρη 2024. Πρόκειται για την 7η υποβολή αιτήματος υφ’ όρων αποφυλάκισης, μετά από 6 συνεχόμενες απορριπτικές αποφάσεις. Στην περίπτωση νέας απόρριψης, ουσιαστικά τον εξωθούν σε αιχμαλωσία τουλάχιστον μέχρι και τον Μάρτη του 2027, με εκδικητική και καταχρηστική (ακόμη και με τους νόμους τους) έκτιση μέχρι και της τελευταίας ημέρας του συνόλου της ποινής. Κι αυτό παρότι έχει προ πολλού (από τον Γενάρη του 2022) συμπληρώσει τις προβλεπόμενες προϋποθέσεις (καθεστώς εξαίρεσης).

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

Κατάληψη Ευαγγελισμού
Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Γενάρης 2025

Χανιά: Δεν είναι άλλο ένα τροχαίο,είναι δολοφονία με συνένοχη την αστυνομία! | Συγκέντρωση 18/1-ώρα:12:00,πλατεία 1866

Χανιά: Τα ξημερώματα του Σαββάτου 11/01/25 ο Οδυσσέας Καπαράκης -γνωστός επιχειρηματίας των Χανίων που έχει συλληφθεί στο παρελθόν για εμπόριο ναρκωτικών και ενδοοικογενειακή βία- αφήνεται από την τροχαία να οδηγεί μεθυσμένος και στη λεωφόρο Σούδας δολοφονεί τον Παναγιώτη Καρατζή.


ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗ | Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου, στις 12:00 | πλατεία 1866

Ανοιχτή συνέλευση για την κρατική δολοφονία του Κώστα Μανιουδάκη


Το Κοινωνικό Στέκι – Στέκι Μεταναστών στηρίζει το κάλεσμα της “Ανοιχτής συνέλευσης για την κρατική δολοφονία του Κώστα Μανιουδάκη” σε συγκέντρωση μεθαύριο, Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου, 12:00, στην πλατεία 1866.Ο θάνατος του 22χρονου Παναγιώτη δεν ήταν “τροχαίο ατύχημα”, είναι (άλλη μια) δολοφονία!


Κάλεσμα στήριξης στη συγκέντρωση για την δολοφονία του Παναγιώτη Καρατζη το Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου, στις 12:00 | πλατεία 1866

Το Δίκτυο Αναρχικών/Αντιεξουσιαστριών στηρίζει το κάλεσμα από την Ανοιχτή συνέλευση για την κρατική δολοφονία του Κωστή Μανιουδάκη για την δολοφονία του Παναγιώτη Καρατζη και συμμετέχει στη συγκέντρωση το Σάββατο 18/1 στις 12:00 (πλατεία 1866)

Άρθρα αναγνωστών μέσω Email

Greece: Kurdish journalist sentenced to 7 months in prison for documenting police violence

Greek courts have upheld the conviction of Kurdish journalist Berçem Mordeniz, rejecting her appeal and sentencing her to seven months in prison, which was suspended. The case stems from her reporting on police violence. Mordeniz was found guilty of verballing abusing and attacking police officers while documenting an incident of police brutality in 2020, a decision that highlights significant concerns over press freedom in Greece.

Mordeniz’s conviction also includes a mandate to cover legal costs and a tarnished criminal record, all for fulfilling her duty as a journalist. Women Press Freedom denounces Bertsem’s sentencing and calls for the decision to be appealed to the Supreme Court. Journalists should not face criminal charges for performing their professional responsibilities.

On August 8, 2020, Mordeniz and her colleague, journalist Tsagdas Kaplan, witnessed police officers from Greece’s ACTION unit violently assaulting a handcuffed man on a busy Athens street. The officers reportedly continued beating the man even though he could not defend himself.

Mordeniz and Kaplan recorded the incident. Mordeniz described what happened to Women Press Freedom:

“A handcuffed citizen was being beaten in public simply for drawing graffiti at a bus stop. I could not remain silent in the face of such injustice.”

Their actions provoked the officers, who assaulted both journalists, threw Kaplan to the ground, injured Mordeniz, and arrested them. The two were detained overnight without food or water. Mordeniz also reported being spat on by a police officer.


“In cases involving police violence, the outcome is almost always the same: The truth-seekers are criminalized, while the perpetrators go unpunished.”
— journalist Berçem Mordeniz


While Kaplan was acquitted two years ago, Mordeniz was convicted of insulting and attacking the officers. A charge of threatening police officers was dismissed in her latest appeal.

Speaking about the trial, Mordeniz criticized the Greek judicial system. “In cases involving police violence, the outcome is almost always the same: The truth-seekers are criminalized, while the perpetrators go unpunished.”

This case is a frightening example of the danger to journalists who document state violence. It also highlights the additional challenges faced by women journalists, as Mordeniz explained:

“Women journalists pay an even heavier price for exposing the truth. We face harsher intimidation and oppression, both personally and professionally.”

Mordeniz’s defense team, led by Dimitra and Evgenia Lentidakis, condemned the verdict, emphasizing the judicial system’s failure to deliver justice. They told Women Press Freedom that the court showed clear bias in favor of the police, despite the evidence of their misconduct. According to the lawyers, from the beginning, the court seemed skeptical of Mordeniz’s credibility as a journalist. This doubt undermines the core of her defense—that she was simply doing her job.

The defense also described an incident where one of the police officers stated he did not want the case to continue or for Mordeniz to be punished. However, when asked about this, the judge immediately responded, preventing the officer from speaking freely. This suggests that the judge was biased and wanted to ensure that Mordeniz would not be acquitted. “The judiciary not only failed to properly perform its duty but also exhibited a clear bias in favor of the accusing police officers,” Dimitra and Evgenia Lentidakis stated. “This is yet another indication of the judiciary’s tendency to protect the position of its agents, even in cases where they have clearly violated the law.”


“This is yet another indication of the judiciary’s tendency to protect the position of its agents, even in cases where they have clearly violated the law”
— lawyers Dimitra and Evgenia Lentidakis


A History of Threats

Mordeniz’s career as a journalist has placed her at significant risk. Kurdish and born in Turkiye, she fled to Greece as a political refugee after her parents were killed in 1996. Her reporting, often focused on Kurdish issues, has made her a target of Turkish authorities. Due to safety concerns in Greece stemming from Turkiye, she relocated to Switzerland, where she continues her work as a journalist.

Women Press Freedom denounces the Greek court’s decision and stands in solidarity with Berçem Mordeniz. This ruling not only punishes a journalist for doing her job but also sets a dangerous precedent for press freedom in Greece.

We call on Greek authorities to overturn this unjust conviction and ensure the safety and rights of all journalists.



[Update to the FAI Anti-War Manifesto, approved by the XXXII Congress of the Italian Anarchist Federation – FAI held in Carrara from 3 to 6 January 2025]


The Italian Anarchist Federation reaffirms its support for the [Italian] Antimilitarist Assembly to build a vast anti-war movement, unitary and independent of the parties, against the warmongering policies of governments. We reaffirm the importance of supporting the struggles against the militarization of schools and universities, the struggles against military installations, production of weapons and military bases that are ongoing from Friuli to Sicily, from Piedmont to Tuscany, the initiatives of workers against the production and trafficking of weapons, and of enhancing solidarity with deserters from all wars.

The world is once again approaching a nuclear catastrophe, a renewed risk that is being anticipated by many conflicts and massacres that, although taking place on smaller scales, do not cease to impress for their tragic nature. Among the many factors that have led to this dramatic situation, there is the growing warmongering insanity of the ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ ruling classes, which are made up of increasingly incompetent and unlikely people whose charlatanism rivals and sometimes surpasses their lust for power and profit, the latter increasingly based on the war industry.

On the one hand, in the so-called West, increasingly explicit elaborations by politicians and intellectuals from the liberal areas and beyond are drawing the potential scenarios of a new world war. For them, the so-called ‘free world’, an expression already in use in the decades that saw the world divided into two Blocs, is fighting an existential battle against the autocracies of the rest of the planet, identified with new orientalist stereotypes as the place of origin of the threats that may destroy our alleged ‘civilization’. In this both toxic and Manichean narrative, allied nations that share the values of liberal democracy such as Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, or even the so-called democratic opposition in countries such as Myanmar, are styled as fighting the same global battle of the ‘good guys’ against the ‘evil’. By the same logic, even the fundamentalists of HTS in Syria have been enlisted on the side of the ‘good guys’.

The current Italian government is fully involved in this race for disaster, characterizing its foreign policy in an aggressive sense. This discourse serves first of all as a pretext to justify the increase in military spending and the production of deathly weapons as something even virtuous in the name of the alleged need for ‘defense’, and to dismiss pacifism and anti-militarism as obsolete and inadequate tools to resolve the new ‘practical’ urgencies – obviously, according to a single narrative. At all latitudes, nationalist propaganda fuels conflicts and poisons public debate by erecting walls between the oppressed classes.

In the case of Palestine, this implies a constant minimization of Israeli war crimes and of the genocide underway in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon to the point that even European governments have relativized the arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court against the criminal Netanyahu after applauding the one against the criminal Putin.

As for Ukraine, there is an international design aimed at enlisting leftist and autonomous movements, including anarchists or self-styled ones, in the war front against the tyrant. This narrative is based on the rhetoric of national resistance to invasion, in which the end justifies any means (including nuclear war in the most extreme cases), with the aim of splitting pacifist and anti-militarist forces by defusing one of the fights that have historically been most effective in Western countries: opposition to wars and military spending accompanied by objection, refusal to fight in wars and desertion in connection with wider social struggles.

Combatant rhetoric has been abundantly deployed in the last three years by self-styled anti-fascist and anti-authoritarian sectors whose slogans, analyses and public documents do not add anything to Western and liberal war propaganda and to local nationalist narratives, in the complete absence of any qualifying point in terms of class or anarchist readings of the situation. Without claiming, as per our founding principles, any monopoly of anarchism, it is evident to us that such nationalist, militarist and liberal degenerations do not have anything to do with our idea of anarchism and should therefore be addressed like those of any other political force opposed to us: in the acknowledgment of the different positions, without any confusion or formal association between irreconcilable political programs and projects.

On the other side of this front line, the project of a ‘multipolar’ world promoted by some governments within the BRICS+, which is nothing more than a different imperialist program, has fatally seduced remains of Bolshevism and sectors of the left that have gone so far as to consider bloodthirsty dictators such as Putin in Russia, Maduro in Venezuela and various associates as ‘comrades’ or almost. According to the same logic, there are those who legitimize the religious fanatics, misogynists, homophobes and murderers of groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, or the bureaucrats of more or less ‘national’ corrupt authorities, as the protagonists of an alleged resistance to Israel. While the misery and contradictions of these discourses are evident, we can only strongly reaffirm the founding principle of the coherence of means and ends, according to which our anti-militarism can in no case be separated from our anti-authoritarian, anti-clerical, anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist inspiration.

In future international scenarios, it will certainly not be the installation of old reactionaries such as Donald Trump that will bring an alternative to the progressive warmongering insanity of his predecessor Joe Biden and most of the Western ruling class, nor will a possible military success (or non-failure) of the ‘non-Western’ world bring more justice or question capitalism, coloniality of power and imperialism.

We must not forget, however, the other hundred or so conflicts still underway at the global level, especially in the Global South, including, as our comrades from Brazil and Latin America remind us, the genocidal war that has been going on for over 500 years in their parts against women, against the poor and against indigenous and Afro-descendant communities. If we recognize the still current need for anti-colonial and decolonial action, it is important to specify that this must in no way lead to new forms of nationalism, communitarianism or essentialism of civilization. The concept of the individual remains central against any degeneration that leads to ethnic, racial and cultural essentialisms, even if based on the idea of ‘peoples’. These latter are always characterized internally by dynamics of inequality and oppression in terms of class, gender and every possible form of discrimination and marginalization.

Despite all the difficulties, there are important spaces for action and organization from below in which our contribution can be decisive in building a social opposition to war and militarism. A central point of our action has been our support for the general strikes of conflictual and grassroots syndicalism, which in recent years have associated social struggles for salary with an anti-militarist approach against wars and the war economy, consistent with our idea that closely links an anti-militarist perspective to a class-struggle perspective.

A major cultural initiative is also needed to counter the militarist propaganda that is served up daily, in a more or less explicit way, in schools and in public communication in increasingly pervasive ways, ready to exploit all places of education to enhance a discourse that presents the supposedly ‘good’ face of the State armed forces as if they were humanitarian enterprises.

In this sense, our support for revolutionary defeatism, refusal, objection, desertion and draft evasion on all sides of the war fronts remains fundamental, particularly at a time when, to mention but one of the most well-known fronts, even the Russian and Ukrainian military commands recognize desertion as a real problem that hinders their respective death programs. This support is developed within the framework of our internationalist commitment, in particular in the context of the International of Anarchist Federations, which must be developed by promoting new initiatives to deconstruct borders and contest any idea of nationalism and territorial sovereignty of the nation-state or any other entity that aspires to become a state, replacing it with new mechanisms of international solidarity and universal sisterhood/brotherhood.

In the context of actions carried out consistently from below and outside the parties and from the control of the institutions, we need to foster dialogue with all those groups and movements that share our anti-militarist intransigence, building functional alliances on objectives that are well-defined and consistent with all the assumptions that we have expressed in this document. Only by developing and generalizing bottom-up actions based on these assumptions will it be possible to truly renew hope in a world of freedom and equality instead of the one of death, destruction and permanent war that capitalism and the state shamelessly impose on us.

The XXXII Congress of the Italian Anarchist Federation -FAI, Carrara 3-6 January 2025

Aboliamo gli eserciti. Fermiamo le guerre. Smascheriamo i nazionalismi